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Adult Ministries

Our Adult Ministries are points of connection with each other and our local and global community - to create spaces where friendships can form, where we talk about Jesus, and where we use our energy and time to bless others. Check out our CONNECTIONS page for more information.

Women's Ministry

The women of SLC love getting together, whether it's a social event, Bible Study or tea and play time with little ones. For more information on how to get connected into one of these ministries please click on the button below, visit the Welcome Centre on Sunday morning or email the church office.


Men's Ministry

The men of SLC get together often - usually for a work project or for a Saturday morning breakfast! For more information on how to join them please feel free to visit the Welcome Centre in the church lobby or click on the button below.


Service With A Purpose

We invite you to come and be a part of Service With a Purpose (SWAP) - every other Thursday at 1-3pm. You'll meet some wonderful people and make new friends.


The women of SWAP assemble and tie blankets which are sent out through MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) around the globe.

SWAP Schedule:

Winter/Spring 2024

January 11 & 25

February 8 & 22

March 7 & 21


The men of SWAP have many projects on the go that keep them busy. Not only do they help maintain the church property, they build small **wooden toys for underprivileged children and small wooden projects for MCC. They restore and repair furniture and all proceeds and/or donations go back into the SLC general fund.


**They are always looking for hardwood! Old furniture often has good hardwood, so don't throw it into the bin - they would love to have it! Coffee time is at 2pm. If you don't want to work on a project, but would enjoy the fellowship, we invite you to join us around the old coffee pot!

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