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Current Sermon Series

Jesus Christ with magnifying glass.jpg

What's in a name? Plenty. And Jesus has more than 100 names! Alpha and Omega, for instance. Join us in this ongoing, once-a-month series when we will get to know and understand Jesus better by name(s). We will sing, pray together (HELP / THANKS / WOW), explore a name and celebrate Communion.

January 12th


Global Focus

with special Guests

FAZL International​

Pastor Rob Ayer​

Sermon Notes

January 19th

Incarnation Local Focus


How We Show Up​


Pastor Rob Ayer​

Sermon Notes

January 26th


Ministry, Mission and Mental Health


Pastor Rob Ayer​

February 2nd

Help / Thanks /



- Communion -

Pastor Rob Ayer​​

Past Sermons

Missed a sermon? No problem. You can listen to our latest sermons on Spotify or Apple Podcasts

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