Celebrate Christmas 2024
We are looking forward to celebrating this joyous season with you.
The Magic of Christmas
Christmas Eve Service
December 24th | 6pm
Join us on Christmas Eve at 6 pm when we will sing some carols, tell the magical story of the birth of Jesus, and welcome back Damien Carriere for a final act - including why he believes in the Magic of Christmas and why he became an illusionist in the first place!
Reverse Advent
Join us as we partner with the Langley Food Bank in an effort to offer food security to those in our community who are struggling at this time of year.
Put one food item a day into a box/hamper(s) from December 1-24th and drop it off at South Langley Church on Monday, December 23rd from 9am-5 pm or just before the service on Christmas Eve.
This year we will be asking you to add one of these "most needed" items to your hamper every day: soup, pasta, cereal, canned fruit and spreads (jam or peanut butter). Thank you for participating in our Reverse Advent project.
Together let's share in the JOY of Christmas!
Let Us Tell You a Story
Children's Presentation
Sunday, December 22nd at 10am
We've been practicing our lines and singing our songs and now we're ready to tell you a story!
Please join us on December 22nd - at 10am - as the SLC Sunday School Kids present "Let Us Tell You a Story."
Here are some events we are hosting as well as other Christmas opportunities for you and your family to enjoy.
SLC Christmas Calendar of Events​​
December 1-24 | Reverse Advent - calendar link above
December 18 | Seniors Christmas Banquet | 10:30am
December 20th | Seniors Caroling at Rosewood Lodge (LMH) | 10:30am
December 22 | Children's Sunday School Christmas Program | 10am
December 24 | Christmas Eve Service - the Magic of Christmas (Part 2) | 6pm
December 25 | No Service at SLC​
December 29 | Joint Langley Church Service at Southgate Church
“Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,”
which means, “God is with us.” Matthew 1:23 (NRSV)